What I saw at the TTC was interesting …

I Young man that seems that he was about to go to “juvy” and seems that it was not the first time. There was too much sadness and adulthood in such a young mind.   I think he was just about 16 years old, maybe younger.  I don’t know if he was in a process of getting transferred. But what I can tell is that this boy was not happy of his destination. I was on my way home and he was going to a future full of uncertainty. 

I heard when he was saying to his father: “Dad, If that is how you guys want to deal with me. I’m not happy and I don’t like it there but if that is what needs to happen then…”

I don’t know what he did, maybe something big, maybe he deserves it. My dad used to say “mistakes you have to pay them either with money or your life”.  After the mistake comes a consequence, that is true. But I still have the picture of this boy in green sweater and pants, without pockets, complaining about not having his belongings; with folded papers in his hands; full of sadness showed by his body language, his eyes showing insecurity, and a submissive tone of voice asking his father for attention. 

A young man, asking his father if he could go to court with him. A father that answered: - “I honestly can’t make it, I don’t have the time tomorrow”– saying the words in a careless manner. If he wanted to hide what he was feeling, to show him that you have to be strong no matter what then he succeeded; I’m convinced. Maybe I should not judge because I do not know the full story…

But, seriously? You cannot make it… you say. Did you listen? I think his asking because he needs you there.  Maybe he wants to know if he can count on you or if you are going to visit when he is away…

Anyway, it was sad to end my day with this experience. At the same time I got a reminder of how lucky I was, how lucky I am today, and for that I’m grateful. 

Fathers and mothers, be good to your sons and daughters, guide them with example. They will be the lovers, friends, fathers and mothers of tomorrow. They are part of your legacy, the ones that continues your story.

Sons and daughters, listen to your parents, they want what is best for you.

Everyone… to listen to someone does not cost you a dime. Listen to the hidden words; let’s learn to read between the lines. We might save a life by just listening carefully.

Carlos A.