He woke up that morning, just thinking this is just another day, with his thoughts that languished his will. As he closed the door gently and patiently, coat on and scarf in his hand, he decided, for no reason what so ever, to change his routine, change his normal route and go for his morning coffee instead before opening the art gallery, he said to himself “maybe today is a good day to be late”.
As he walk thru the
street of a city that was starting to woke up the gentle breeze brought the
memories of that November, when he saw her, for just a moment, a simple glance, and for him that was it,
-"it was so long ago..." - he spoke softly.
They were kids at the
time, when this big city was still a small town, and under a starry night he
promised her the world, she looked at him and smiled ... they did not know it
The seasons went by and life as always with its own plan and games took them to different path... They made promises, he blames the innocence or just the foolishness, and with time they found out that promises where meant to be broken. She went away to follow her dreams, school-travelling-success, that was the last time he saw her.
The seasons went by and life as always with its own plan and games took them to different path... They made promises, he blames the innocence or just the foolishness, and with time they found out that promises where meant to be broken. She went away to follow her dreams, school-travelling-success, that was the last time he saw her.
He made a pause and sipped his coffee while he stared at the rain that
gently painted the windows of the place. I was looking at him and saw how the
old man smiled all of the sudden and continued with the story:
She as beautiful as always, now perhaps with a few more experiences brushed naturally around her eyes, left the hotel that morning in a rush. Her work had brought her back to the city of her childhood and the morning breath whispered the memories to her as well.
She looked the familiar street and smiled for a moment while she felt struck by the memory of that young boy with his fingertips travelling her face just to always land gently touching her hair ... In just a second she relived the memories of that corner from years ago.
She decided to deviate, go for a coffee before her lecture, and as she walked through the street she noticed how everything changes and yet others not so much, and saw in the distance that corner of her yesterday where now a small café resides.
There they were, leaving in the past and they knew that they left that moment past...
Their lives had continued, He was tired of meaningless affairs, she a widow now with a beautiful daughter, but occasionally their minds led them to that moment in time.
And the light rain came suddenly, she ran to the place looking for shelter, she always dressed so elegantly, today in her beautiful red coat with the plan of taking her beverage to go. But the "fate" had something else in mind, decorating her outfit with a splashed of mud coming from the pass of a careless scooter just before entering the place ... filled with impotence she smiled, knowing that she was going to be late for the meeting, she decided to sit in the coffee shop and enjoy her drink, and perhaps remember a little more.
He was walking patiently, as always maintained his calm and leisurely pace, always with his bohemian way of being, enjoying the caresses that were given by the drops to his hair now with silver tones painted by the experience.
He arrived to his usual coffee shop and said to the ”barista”: - "Sophie, darling my usual espresso" - She was his daughter. And as he went to sit down to his usual spot he saw her for the first time in years, at first disbelieving… surprised after. There she was again, focus in nothing, oblivious.
Back to the present I interrupted him saying - "Ha, the day did not turned out to be just another day, huh?" - He responded with a playful and cheerful look and continued his telling:
As he was approaching her, slowly, looking for the words to say, she turned towards him and surprised by the irony… the redemption sought for so long, and they knew that their moment had come yet again.
This story is one of those rare that you hear, normally in the movies, There are those who can call this a second chance, others call it fate ... and here I am sitting next to him, sharing my coffee break, his espresso and my latte; I can only confess that I do not know what to say about this special telling, other that ending it by saying the last words that I heard from the old man, now in this present: - “I guess I knew it all the time ...”
Carlos A.
She as beautiful as always, now perhaps with a few more experiences brushed naturally around her eyes, left the hotel that morning in a rush. Her work had brought her back to the city of her childhood and the morning breath whispered the memories to her as well.
She looked the familiar street and smiled for a moment while she felt struck by the memory of that young boy with his fingertips travelling her face just to always land gently touching her hair ... In just a second she relived the memories of that corner from years ago.
She decided to deviate, go for a coffee before her lecture, and as she walked through the street she noticed how everything changes and yet others not so much, and saw in the distance that corner of her yesterday where now a small café resides.
There they were, leaving in the past and they knew that they left that moment past...
Their lives had continued, He was tired of meaningless affairs, she a widow now with a beautiful daughter, but occasionally their minds led them to that moment in time.
And the light rain came suddenly, she ran to the place looking for shelter, she always dressed so elegantly, today in her beautiful red coat with the plan of taking her beverage to go. But the "fate" had something else in mind, decorating her outfit with a splashed of mud coming from the pass of a careless scooter just before entering the place ... filled with impotence she smiled, knowing that she was going to be late for the meeting, she decided to sit in the coffee shop and enjoy her drink, and perhaps remember a little more.
He was walking patiently, as always maintained his calm and leisurely pace, always with his bohemian way of being, enjoying the caresses that were given by the drops to his hair now with silver tones painted by the experience.
He arrived to his usual coffee shop and said to the ”barista”: - "Sophie, darling my usual espresso" - She was his daughter. And as he went to sit down to his usual spot he saw her for the first time in years, at first disbelieving… surprised after. There she was again, focus in nothing, oblivious.
Back to the present I interrupted him saying - "Ha, the day did not turned out to be just another day, huh?" - He responded with a playful and cheerful look and continued his telling:
As he was approaching her, slowly, looking for the words to say, she turned towards him and surprised by the irony… the redemption sought for so long, and they knew that their moment had come yet again.
This story is one of those rare that you hear, normally in the movies, There are those who can call this a second chance, others call it fate ... and here I am sitting next to him, sharing my coffee break, his espresso and my latte; I can only confess that I do not know what to say about this special telling, other that ending it by saying the last words that I heard from the old man, now in this present: - “I guess I knew it all the time ...”
Carlos A.
Written: 10-12-2012
Translated from the Spanish to
English (apologize in advance I did my best)
Thanks Mr. Andrew for sharing your coffee time and story with me. If you ever read this, then I apologize in advance for my poorly English translation (LOL). My nature is to write in Spanish. I hope you like the summary that I just did and that it was as close as what you told me (well I spiced up a little ;P )
Well, to tell you the truth I don’t believe you are the type of person
that uses the internet or a computer… no offense.
Maybe something that we can learn from this story is that some things,
good and bad, they just happen when they need to happen and you cannot expect
to control everything. And maybe, just maybe, there are more “serendipity”
stories out there.